I am an associate professor at Polytech Marseille within Aix-Marseille University. I am a member of the LIRICA team, at the LIS laboratory. Prior to that, I did a first postdoc at LIRIS (INSA Lyon, Lyon, France), and a second one at the LORIA (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France). I defended my PhD at the Université Clermont Auvergne in December 2021. My research mainly focuses on (enumeration) algorithms on closure systems and their representations.

Research links: Google Scholar, DBLP, Orcid
Keywords: closure systems, implications, meet-irreducible elements, enumeration.
Contact: simon.vilmin[at]lis-lab.fr


My PhD has been supervised by Prof. Lhouari Nourine. It has been conducted at the LIMOS (UCA, Clermont-Ferrand, France). I worked on closure systems and their representations by implicational bases or meet-irreducible elements. I studied the problem of translating between these representations, and the task of dualizing closure systems given by either representations. The manuscript can be found here and a handout of the slides here.


  • Hierarchical decompositions of implicational bases for the enumeration of meet-irreducible elements.
    L. Nourine, and S. Vilmin.
    Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 2023 [arXiv - TCS]
  • On the preferred extensions of argumentation frameworks: bijections with naive sets.
    M. Elaroussi, L. Nourine, M. Said Radjef, and S. Vilmin.
    Information Processing Letters (IPL), 2023. [arXiv - IPL]
  • Translating between the representations of a ranked convex geometry.
    O. Defrain, L. Nourine and S. Vilmin.
    Discrete Mathematics (DM), 2021. [arXiv - DM]
  • Half-space separation in monophonic convexity.
    M. Elaroussi, L. Nourine, and S. Vilmin.
    Submitted to MFCS 2024. [arXiv]
  • Computing the $D$-base and $D$-relation in finite closure systems.
    K. Adaricheva, L. Nourine, and S. Vilmin.
    Submitted to Theoretical Computer Science (TCS). [arXiv]
  • On the enumeration of signatures of XOR-CNF's.
    N. Creignou, O. Defrain, F. Olive, and S. Vilmin.
    Submitted to MFCS 2024. [arXiv]
  • Towards declarative comparabilities: application to functional dependencies.
    L. Nourine, J.-M Petit, and S. Vilmin.
    Under review in Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS) [arXiv]


  • Computing the $D$-base and $D$-relation of finite closure systems.
    K. Adaricheva, L. Nourine, and S. Vilmin.
    In ISAIM 2024 [ISAIM] [slides]
  • Functional dependencies with predicates: what makes the $g_3$-error easy to compute?
    P. Faure--Giovagnoli, J-M. Petit, V-M. Scuturici, and S. Vilmin.
    In BDA 2022 [slides]
    In ICCS 2023 (LNCS, Vol-14133, pages 3-16) [arXiv - LNCS] [slides]
  • Towards declarative comparabilities: application to functional dependencies.
    L. Nourine, J-M. Petit, and S. Vilmin.
    In BDA 2021, (Actes BDA 2021, pages 18-19) [HAL] [slides]
  • Enumerating maximal consistent closed sets in closure systems.
    L. Nourine, and S. Vilmin.
    In ICFCA 2021, (LNCS, Vol-12733, pages 57-73) [arXiv - LNCS] [slides]
  • Hierarchical decompositions of dihypergraphs.
    L. Nourine, and S. Vilmin.
    In ICTCS 2020 (CEUR, Vol-2756, pages 158-171) [arXiv - CEUR] [slides]

Workshop & Seminars

  • Computing the $D$-base of finite closure systems.
    ALGO Seminar, February 2024.
    GREYC, Caen. [slides]
  • Enumerating the maximal models of Horn formulas.
    ACRO/LIRICA Seminar, June 2023.
    LIRICA Seminar, September 2023.
    LIS, Marseille.
  • Closure systems and their representations
    Malotec Seminar, March 2023.
    LORIA, Nancy. [slides]
  • Enumeration Aspects of Databases: Functional Dependencies and Armstrong Relations
    Graphs and Databases Workshop (ANR GrR), March 2023.
    LIRIS, Lyon. [slides]
  • On the preferred extensions of argumentation frameworks: bijections with naive sets.
    WEPA 2022, December.
    LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand. [slides]
  • Translating between the representations of a ranked convex geometry.
    ACRO Seminar, June 2022.
    LIS, Marseille.
  • Towards declarative comparabilities: application to functional dependencies.
    BD Seminar, July 2021.
    LIRIS, Lyon. [slides]
  • Enumerating maximal consistent closed sets in closure systems.
    Alcoloco Seminar, May 2021.
    LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand. [slides]
  • Dihypergraph decomposition: application to closure system representations.
    WEPA 2020 (December), FCA4AI 2020 (August, CEUR, Vol-2729, pages 31-44)
    Online. [HAL - CEUR] [slides]
  • Translating between the representations of a ranked convex geometry.
    WEPA 2019, October.
    Awaji Island, Japan. [slides]
  • Translating between the representations of a lattice.
    Séminaire des doctorants, June 2019.
    LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand.
  • Introduction to lattice theory.
    AlCoLoCo Seminar, November 2018.
    LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand.
  • Horn minimization.
    FCA4KD (Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge Discovery), June 2018.
    HSE, Moscow. [slides]


From 2018 to 2022 I taught within the Clermont Auvergne INP and at the computer science department of Université Clermont Auvergne. In 2021 - 2022 and 2022-2023 I taught at the INSA Lyon. Starting from 2023, I teach at Polytech Marseille within two departments: Industrial engineering and Numerical systems.

2023 - 2024
2022 - 2023
2021 - 2022
2020 - 2021
2019 - 2020
2018 - 2019


"J'ai rencontré une jeune fille qui portait $x^2 + 2ax$ sur son cœur. Cela lui allait à ravir."
Les Champs Magnétiques, André Breton, Philippe Soupault.
"J'ai procédé au recensement des pierres, elles sont au nombre de mes doigts et quelques autres."
Poisson Soluble, André Breton.
"Si triste de ses faux calculs,
Qu'il inscrit ses nombres à l'envers,
Et s'endort."

L'Impatient, Paul Éluard.